728 x 90

Rev. T.J Samuel

Phone : 91-475-225-0008, 91-944-701-4008
Email : samueltjohn@yahoo.com

1. Life in the Spirit2. Return to the Lord3. നാം ദൈവത്തിൻ്റെ മക്കളെന്ന നിലയിൽ തന്നെ ജീവിക്കണം4. When Man Dies, Where is He? - 1
5. When Man Dies, Where is He? - 26. Deeper Things of the Spirit7. Prayer and Supplication8. Leadership and Spiritual Warfare - 1
9. Leadership and Spiritual Warfare - 210. Return to the Power11. Return to the Word12. Whom He Predestined
13. Living Sacrifices to God14. It Is Finished 15. Triumph in Christ 16. Finding out what is Acceptable
17. Holy and without Blemish 18. Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ19. Work of the Holy Spirit20. We Shall give Account
21. Live according to the flesh you will Die22. The Just Live by Faith23. Holy Spirit in You24. Stand for Christ
25. Return to Giving26. I, the Lord do not Change27. Let Thy Kingdom Come28. What must I do to be Saved?
29. Being like Christ30. To be like Christ31. Move On32. Spiritual Realm
33. The fire of the Lord34. Believers Who Have Died35. When a man Dies36. Be My Witness
37. Jesus will Rule38. Kingdom of God39. The Vine and the Branches40. Jesus the King
41. You were Redeemed42. Be an Intercessor43. Victorious Christian Life44. Spiritual Warfare
45. Have the Attitude of Christ46. I Will Prepare a Place47. The Birth of Jesus Christ48. Final Part of Redemption
49. Jesus is Worthy50. Triumph Over The Cross 51. Spiritually Be Awake52. Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
53. Mighty Power