728 x 90

Pr. P.C Cherian

Phone : 91-473-522-1153, 91-944-702-8943
Email : pccgi@yahoo.ca

1. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane2. How to Inherit Eternal Life?3. I Want to Know the Lord Closer4. How to Pray?
5. Abide in Him6. യേശു വരാറായി 7. അവൻ ശോധന ചെയ്യുന്നതെങ്ങനെ8. വീഴരുത്
9. കഷ്ടത്തോട് കഷ്ടം! ഇനി എന്ത്?10. Parable of the Wedding Feast11. Lord is Coming12. Stand Mature and Complete in Christ
13. Importance of Prayer14. Power of God's Word15. What God Said Will Happen16. Put on Strength of the Lord
17. Laboring fervently for you in Prayers18. Jesus went out to the mountain to Pray 19. Nailed it to the Cross 20. Pressing Toward the Goal
21. Light Bearers22. Importance of Prayer23. Light from the Darkness24. Put on Christ
25. We will Rise up and Build26. Hold on to your Faith27. Four Titles28. Son of Man is Coming
29. Precious Blood of Christ30. Jesus Forgives and Heals.31. The Prayer in Gethsemane32. I Never Knew You
33. How to Pray?34. Christ Our Cornerstone35. Still there is Room36. Why did Jesus Come to this World?
37. Lord will build when everyone Fail38. God who does Rare Things39. Who can stop God's Plan40. Know who Jesus Christ Is
41. Let us Exalt his Name42. Was dead and is alive again43. Good news that will cause great Joy44. Changing Bitter water to Sweet
45. It is not good for man to be alone46. Be Holy47. Gave him up for us All48. Love of the Cross
49. Go into all the World50. Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man51. Genealogy of Jesus52. Christ Crucified
53. Second Coming of Jesus-254. Second Coming of Jesus-155. It is Time for Judgment56. Revive us Again
57. The Coming of the Kingdom of God58. Jesus Comes to Jerusalem59. Jesus Is the Messiah60. Well of Samaria
61. Be My Witness62. Do the Will of God63. Do not Turn Back64. Whom Shall I Send (PCNAK 2011)
65. We will Serve the Lord (NACOG 2011)66. Restore Our Ancient Glory67. Power of the Holy Spirit68. Prayer
69. My Hour has Come70. Jesus is the only Saviour71. Eternal Life72. Third Hour
73. God is Good74. Jesus Knows your Needs75. Jesus Knows your Needs76. Arise and Build
77. Believe In God78. God Raised Him From Dead79. Standing before the Lord80. Hold on to Jesus
81. Woman, Why are you Crying?82. Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer83. Lord will Deliver84. Scripture is Fulfilled