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Pr. Shibu Thomas (Oklahoma)

Address : 115 N Briarwood St, Yukon, OK 73099 USA
Email : pastorshibuthomas@yahoo.com

1. Death and Life After Death2. കർത്താവിനു വേണ്ടി ശോഭിക്കേണ്ടതിന്റെ ആവശ്യകത3. വചനത്തിൽ വേരൂന്നി കർത്താവിനു വേണ്ടി ശോഭിപ്പിൻ4. Triumph in Christ - 1
5. Triumph in Christ - 26. Dead in Christ - 17. Dead in Christ - 28. Dead in Christ - 3
9.  This is My Body Which is Broken For You10. Mission of The Kingdom 11. Valley of Darkness 12. Seek First God’s Kingdom
13. Three Houses of Esther14. Four Areas of Faith 15. Whom Do You Choose16. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
17. God Who Turns Jealousy Into Blessing18. God’s Glory Shall Be Revealed19. Know what needs to be Known20. Attitude of a Repented Person
21. Rejoice Always 22. Shout To The Lord!23. Are We Beloved To God24. Do You Have This Assurance
25. Stay Awake, Stay Alert26. God Who Turns Jealousy Into Blessing27. Are We Prepared For A Journey28. Are We Beloved To God
29. Arise & Shine30. Have You Lost Your Cutting Edge31. God Who Gives Songs In The Night32. Return To Your Native Land
33. Fear Not34. My Grace Is Sufficient For You 35. Set Your Mind On Things Above36. Show Me Your Glory
37. Worship In The Wilderness38. Why Should We Set Our Minds On Things Above39. Stephen Set His Mind on Things Above 40. Celebrate the Feast
41. Jehovah Rapha - Healing From Sin42. Who Is This Jesus?43. Responsibilities of a Watchman44. Do Not Faint In The Days of Adversity
45. Healing by Grace46. Work of Grace47. A Victorious Past48. Because of Grace
49. We Need Grace 50. Knowledge or Life 51. The River Flowing From Above52. They looked to Him and were Radiant
53. Spiritual Lameness 54. Accept Yourself 55. Will These Dry Bones Be Born Again56. Spirit helps in our Weaknesses
57. All things work together for Good58. How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place59. Thus Says The Lord60. Be a Person with a Different Spirit
61. People With A Different Spirit 62. Missions Praying & Giving63. Confuse Their Language 64. Wait Upon The Lord And Renew Your Strength
65. This Is My Body Which Is Given For You66. Will You Not Revive Us Again67. Are you a Disciple 68. Overflowing Spiritual Blessings
69. Passion Week - The Last Seven Days70. He is Risen! Christos Anesti!71. Water Baptism 72. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
73. Fear of God 74. To The Church In Ephesus 75. God’s Dream Church76. Happy Family
77. A Peaceful Church78. What God Expects From His Church79. Obedience Always Brings Blessings80. Wait on the Lord
81. Holy Life82. Judgement of the Saints83. Rise Up and Walk in Jesus Name84. Arrow of Deception
85. Arrow of Open Ridicule86. Arrow of Compromise87. Arrow of Financial Crisis88. Discouragement
89. Arrow of Conspiracy90. Seven Things For A New Year91. Jesus at the Lake of Gennesaret92. Be Lead by the Spirit
93. Authority of Jesus94. what do you have95. God who Opens 96. Redeeming the Time
97. Be in the Spirit98. Our Work and God's Work99. Do not take us to Jordan100. Satan's attack against Church
101. Become a New Creation102. New Experiences with God103. Know who you are104. Lion that Devour Children
105. Lions roar with Authority106. Receive The Holy Spirit107. Wise Men Opened Their Treasures108. Vision
109. Mission of Resurrection110. Open the Door for Christ111. Three Houses of Esther112. Build an Altar of Victory
113. Song in Trials114. What God expects from Church115. Happy in such a State116. Going to the House of Lord
117. God will build the Church118. Battle belongs to God119. Faith In the Presence of God120. By Faith They Closed the Mouths of Lion
121. Why is the saints death precious to the Lord?122. By Faith Gideon123. By Faith Noah124. Faith Without Questioning God
125. By Faith Isaac Blessed His Sons126. By Faith Sarah 127. By Faith Joseph Spoke About Life Beyond the Grave128. By Faith Jacob Blessed His Grandsons & Blessed Others
129. By Faith Moses Rejected the World 130. By Faith The Walls of Jericho Fell 131. Mystery of the Lord's Table132. Walking By Faith
133. Win Your Battles 134. Increase our Faith135. Let Our Faith Be Seen136. Faith in Action
137. Children Are A Gift From God 138. Do Not Be Afraid, Only Believe 139. Obtain A Testimony From God By Faith 140. Seven sayings on the Cross-2
141. Seven sayings on the Cross-1142. Worship By Faith 143. Finish The Race 144. Message of The Resurrection
145. Grandpa Who Knew Grand Purpose146. Compassion and Mercy 147. A Different Spirit 148. Know Your Debt And Pay Your Debt
149. God will meet all your Needs150. Don't Turn Your Vineyard Into Herb Garden151. Christ our Mediator152. Way of Newborn Life
153. Get Over It! 154. A Message From The Mess 155. Walk in the Word "Tsadhe"156. Walk in the Word "Shin & Taw"
157. Four precious things in the Epistles of Peter158. Make A Decision That Pleases God 159. Weak Made Strong 160. Walk in the Word "Ayin"
161. Walk in the Word "Mem"162. Walk in the Word "Nun" 163. Do Not Fear, I Am With You164. Walk in the Word "Kaph"
165. Walk in the Word "Lamedh"166. Walk in the Word "Beth"167. Walk in the Word "Daleth"168. Walk in the Word "Waw"
169. Walk in the Word "Zayln"170. Walk in the Word "Heth"171. Walk in the Word "Teth" 172. Walk in the Word "Yodh"
173. Walk in the Word "Aleph" 174. Role of the Church175. Walk in the Word "Gimel"-2176. Walk in the Word "Gimel"-1
177. Consider This 178. Joseph179. Exam the Scriptures180. My grace is sufficient for You